
Buying Used Auto Parts

Need To Replace Your Car Mirrors? Consider Turning It Into An Upgrade With New Features

Maintaining your vehicle typically includes changing the oil, replacing the tires, getting a new timing belt, and going in for occasional inspections to make sure everything is working as intended. But, this can change when you get into a minor accident or someone breaks one of the windows of your vehicle. If you have a broken side mirror that needs to get replaced, you may be thinking about just getting a basic replacement. While this is fine, you should consider turning it into an upgrade when you plan on having the car for a long time because it can provide you with an improved experience on the road.

Size Increase

One thing that you can do is increase the size of the mirror. If your current model has a small mirror, you might have trouble getting a visual on everything behind you that you would like to see. So, you should be able to find models that not only fit on your car, but will give you an extra inch or two of view space.


If you ever find yourself in a situation where you have minimal room on both sides, you might struggle to get through because you have to worry about the side mirrors scraping or breaking off completely. It is helpful to look for folding mirrors because you can just fold them in when you need the extra room. Also, when you are parking in a public place, you will appreciate the protection it can provide. It will greatly minimize the risk of someone accidentally bumping into the mirror and causing noticeable damage.


Lights are an excellent way to increase safety on the road when you are out at nighttime. While your tail lights and brake lights should provide enough light, you can always benefit from a bit more lighting. So, you may want to get your hands on side mirrors that have lights built into them. It is best to talk to a mechanic beforehand to see how much it would cost to have these mirrors installed and activated. You can expect to pay about $219 to replace a single side mirror, so getting one with modern features will cost a bit more, and then you have to add in the cost of getting the lights to work properly.

Having to replace your side mirrors is a perfect opportunity to improve your vehicle in the process. For more information, contact companies like Parts Chain.

About Me

Buying Used Auto Parts

When my car started having problems, I decided to investigate the costs of doing the repairs on my own. Unfortunately, I quickly discovered that car parts were almost as expensive as paying a professional, which is why I started researching used auto parts. Fortunately, I was able to find an amazing shop that sold used auto parts, and so I bought a radiator to see how well it worked. This blog is all about saving money by fixing your car, so that you don't have to break the bank to drive a happy, healthy automobile. Check out this blog to find out more.

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